Monday, December 1, 2008

Angel's Landing and Cedar Breaks

Marty and I took a little road trip a couple of weeks ago to Zion's National Park. I'm from Utah and had never been there before (lame I know) so I figured it was about time. I had heard about the hike called Angel's Landing, but didn't know much about it. As I asked around before we left, I got some interesting responses about how it was. I don't typically like to put myself in physical danger and had decided that perhaps I wasn't ready to do that hike. When I told this to Devon he shamed me into going by saying that if I didn't do Angel's Landing then I might as well not even go to Zion's. Well, my competitive nature took over and I told Marty we had to do it. He was game for whatever. So we loaded up on our water and snacks and proceeded. After 2 miles of switchbacks we were thinking it wasn't that bad. Then an arrow pointing to Angel's Landing directed us for another 0.5 mile. Not a problem. Well, that half a mile was strictly rock on a ledge with a chain to hold onto so you don't fall to your death. Yes, it has happened according to their warning signs. So I tried not to panic and we somehow made it to the very top. I felt like I had accomplished a very difficult thing and was proud of my efforts. Marty was a cool cat the whole time, but he was always very concerned for my well-being and was so patient. When we were at the top I told him we should take a bunch of pictures because I won't be doing this again. We did and I hope you enjoy them. The one of the ledge has people on it if you look closely. Yeah, we did that - twice! Once there and once back. It was nice to be on wide solid ground again when it was over. But what a sight and I appreciated the beauty of that place. The day before we visited Cedar Breaks so there are some pictures of that as well.


Devon and Alicia said...

You are so brave and you even got close to the edge for a photo.

gramakaren said...

Great photos! You must have a great camera... :)
I've lived in Utah even longer than you, but I won't be doing Angel's Landing... Ever!

Darren and Jody said...

I'm proud of you there's no way in HELL I would do that. Please send me your phone number Darren erased it. I'll talk to you soon

Love Jody

Britta and Julia said...

You should have told me you were there, we could've met up and hiked it with you (Clint and me). Oh well, I'm glad you did it and had fun together.


I wont ever be doing that!!!

Hannah Stevenson said...

Glad you did it and took I know what it looks like from the ledge and won't have to ever do it myself!

Kwista-fin said...

Kindra, that looks like a great hike, how can you say you will never do it again knowing full well that one day you will want your kids to see that amazing place. BTW Great Pics!! Your are cute as ever. Lobe jou por eber. Jou lateen lober Edwardo. :-)