Monday, August 25, 2008


I know it's been awhile since my last posting and more than one of you have gotten after me for that. There is a reason for it. And that is because in the past few weeks, my life has been more about serious matters than the fun and humor usually found on blogs. I have debated within myself whether or not to blog about this because the things that have taken place in my life are very special to me and I was afraid of opening myself up too much to other people. But blogs are really about sharing your life with others and this is what is going on in my life right now...besides, all of you who read my blog are friends and family that I would feel comfortable sharing these things with if I had the opportunity to talk with you one on one. So at the risk that some of you might find this too intense, I'm posting it anyway. This posting is about what is real and what is sacred to me.

H. Burke Petersen is an emeritus general authority. He also happens to be in my ward. He has also been visiting with my ex-husband, Pete, since our divorce in January. I didn't know that they were meeting as often as they were until I found out a couple of weeks ago through my bishop. Brother Petersen asked me if I would meet with him to discuss some things. I was mostly curious and of course obliged. Through this meeting, I discovered that Pete still loved me and had a desire to get me back. But I also found out that he had been on a difficult personal journey through Bro. Petersen's kindness, directness, and inspiration. He had been the one who wanted me to meet with Bro. Petersen. I was overcome with emotion and shock. Bro. Petersen made it clear that he was not trying to put us together again, but wanted me to have the opportunity to forgive Peter. This was exactly what I was needing and I felt my heart changing even as we visited. I had tried to convince myself over the past few months that I had forgiven Pete, but I knew that I hadn't because only anger and resentment flooded my mind whenever I thought about him. So my solution was to simply not think about him or my marriage. In summary, I told Bro. Petersen that I could not possibly get back with Peter, but that I was happy that he was finally able to recognize his part in all of it, gain a softer heart, and perhaps finally find true joy.

Apparently, Pete wanted to meet with me and I told Bro. Petersen that this was possible as long as Pete understood that it didn't mean we could get back together. The ground rules were laid and a meeting was planned. Bro. Petersen told me many times that Pete was nervous about seeing me again because he had very tender feelings towards me. He had discussed with Pete and I separately what the objective of our meeting would be and ultimately it was about burying the hatchet and parting on good terms. This meeting took place last night at Bro. Petersen's home. We took 2 hours to talk about very sensitive things and my heart has finally healed. I know that Pete is still in much anguish about how he treated me and he told me how sorry he was for everything. He took full responsibility for the demise of our marriage and acknowledged how hard I tried. I also apologized for my part in our failed marriage. When we were done, Bro. Petersen said that what we had done was very difficult, but that it was right. I felt this as well and have been immensely humbled at how the Lord cared enough about me at this time to allow this whole experience to happen. I am so grateful for Bro. Petersen. Nobody asked him to befriend Pete and help him change his life. He wasn't asked to step in and be a mediator in a relationship that most people had forgotten about or given up on. And yet, if he hadn't done that, it could have taken me years to get my heart to where it is now. He is truly a man who lives by the Spirit and understands the big picture.

I know that some of you who knew Pete and me during our marriage will doubt Pete's sincerity. All I know is that Pete was as real as I've ever seen him last night and I'm proud of his desire to make things right. He's struggled and continues to struggle with forgiving himself, but I told him that I have forgiven him and I thanked him for helping me do that. He is having a hard time realizing what he should have done when it was too late to do anything about it, but he is also in the best place spiritually than he has ever been.

Without going into more detail, the timing of this meeting was also impeccable. I have seen many tender mercies in this past month that have led me to where I am today. Finally free of anger and able to move forward in my life with complete peace.


gramakaren said...

Wonderful post, Kindy. Thanks for sharing. I am so happy for what has transpired. I'm grateful to Brother Peterson for his compassion, and the love that has for both you and Pete. I commend YOU for the hard work you have done to get to this place, as well.

Love you, Mom :)

Kristen said...

Kindra, I continue to be amazed at who you are and the heart you have. I'm grateful you were able to have this meeting to help you move on, to forgive and soften your heart. Thank you for sharing something personal to help us all grow from your experiences.

Randi said...

Kindy, I have been wondering about you and hoping that you were in a good place. It truly sounds like now you are. Thanks for sharing and((HUGS)).

Devon and Alicia said...

Kindy you are a strong and an amazing woman. Sure am glad that you will always be apart of my life. Just love you to death!!

Unknown said...

Oh Kin can you wipe the tears from my eyes? I am so happy that you had this wonderful experience. Some people never get this kind of experience and are unable to move on in life with a happy heart. I love you to the moon and back. You are an amazing women!!

Damian said...

Kindy, you are so amazing and such a good example. You strength and faith are an inspiration. We love you!!

Britta and Julia said...

I'm so happy for you Kindy! Forgiveness is a wonderful thing isn't it? You've always been a good example to me! Thank you for that post! Love ya, Britta

Hannah Stevenson said...

I love you Kindy. Thank you for sharing this.

Carrie said...

I ditto what everyone else is saying.. you are truly amazing. You are such a wonderful example to me. I'm glad you are able to move on in peace.

Keri said...

I have been intrigued by you and loved you since you were a darling teenager, babysitting my little children. You were an example to me then, and still are to me and my daughter, and any other young lady who would care to take notice. My heart rejoiced for you when you found Pete, and ached for you when you were suffering.
It seems to me that you are still choosing 'the better part' and that you continue on your way down the road to happiness. Take Care.
With much love,
Keri Minson

Laraine H. said...

I read this post a week or so ago, I really had to soak it all in. I just feel like it's such a blessing for you to be able to move on and soften your heart. I know forgiveness has allowed you to do it.
Love ya

Laraine H. said...

I've changed the URL address for our blog, you'll need to change it in your blogger listing to keep the link working

rachel thurston said...

thank you for being so open and honest. I can tell by reading that post and looking at your blog in general that you are on a upswing of a hard journey. forgiveness is the key to healing and I am in awe of the ability you have to love and forgive. truly an inspiration. love you!